4.50 from Paddington - a TV Asahi Agatha Christie special
4.50 from Paddington - Night Express Train Murder, a Japanese adaptation from TV Asahi
4.50 from Paddington - Night Express Train Murder (パディントン発4時50分 ~寝台特急殺人事件~) is a Japanese language adaptation from TV Asahi. In this richly-produced drama, the Miss Marple character has become Toko Amano, a successful police officer and professional in risk management. Toko is played by popular Japanese actress Yuki Amami.
The story begins one evening when, as Toko’s stepmother is aboard the Orion Express train, she witnesses a man strangling a woman. Neither the train conductor nor the police take her report seriously, assuming she was half asleep. Toko believes her and starts probing into the matter, deducing that the criminal threw the dead body from the train. Predicting that the dead body was thrown into the grounds of the palatial residence alongside the railway line, she engages “someone” to sneak in.
The residence is inhabited by the president of a company and his family - a suspicious group of characters with secrets to hide. Where did the dead body disappear to? When a second murder occurs, Toko wonders what connects the cases, and seeks to get to the bottom of it.
The drama was broadcast on Japan's channel 5 as part of a weekend Agatha Christie special on 24th March 2018. Find out more here: http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/agat...