#125Stories - Fan letters uncovered from the archive

Whilst digging through the Agatha Christie archive we stumbled upon something quite special – a huge box full of old fan letters addressed to Agatha Christie. Their envelopes were decorated with stamps from exotic locations from every corner of the world, and their contents was even more diverse. Some even had replies from Christie herself. Letters of adoration, escapism and even blackmail were stored away in the overflowing box, giving us a surreal insight into Dame Agatha Christie’s life.
This discovery led to the creation of #125Stories – a hub which allows fans to share their stories on how Agatha Christie has become part of their life. Whether it’s a piece about how you discovered Christie, where your favourite place to read a Christie is, who inspired you to become familiar with her works or simply an Agatha Christie memory, we would love to hear from you.
You can share your story on social media channels using the hashtag #125Stories or via the ‘submit a story’ section on the hub at www.125stories.com where you can also read more fan letters from the archive. Throughout the next few months we will be releasing more fan letters from the archive so be sure to keep visiting the site.
Almost 40 years on since her passing and her fans are still as vocal as ever. So why not join in the conversation and share your story with other Agatha Christie fans in the 125th anniversary year from around the world.